Pastor Matthew Brown believes in sustainable transformation.
Pastor Matthew Brown, Th.D., is an unequivocal Christian with a
vast experience, similar to the biblical Joseph, in government and
public administration. He is corporate trained, and educated in
civic, social, secular and sacred institutions in his community. This
eclectic collection of experiences have served him well in faith,
corporate and community engagements.
Pastor Brown embraces the missional mandate to significantly assist churches, organizations and communities in their specific distinction of service development and transformation. He has committed his life to Servant Leader principles which he’s shared for over 30 years with diverse communities of faith and business leaders. His commitment to provide a local distinctive signature, which is aptly named Blue Water Development which serves underserved communities in his native city of Buffalo, NY. He has proven his exceptional skills as a public speaker, leader, strategist, coach and facilitator through the implementation and administration of several strategic ministry and community initiatives.
Pastor Brown has harnessed his passion into a service modality that informs, empowers and inspires leaders, organizations and communities to unleash their powerful possibilities, and create transformational enterprises.
Mining Creativity Out Of Chaos
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